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The Natural Mystic tours is organized by two guides, who will be always present during the various itineraries, an Italian guide and a higly specialized Brazilian guide.
Particularly the Brazilian guide, Edson Mamedes da Silva, works as a tourist guide in Pantanal since 1992 and has a capillary knowledge of the area being also native of Poconč; his specializationsare both in the ecological-environmental field, as well as in the maintenance of the water resources and in the recognition and use of the medicinal plants.
He received various acknowledgments during his long activity: presence on the Brazilian

national television as, obviously, pantaneira guide and on a daily English newspaper that introduced the wonder of the Brazilian Pantanal.
The Italian guide, Mirko, is a new operator of the tourist field who knows English, Spanish and French (obviously also Italian and Portuguese), and who, loving all what pertains to nature, after various adventures in South America and in Brazil, decided to move to the place of greater naturalistic interest of South America, so as to offer the possibility to everybody to know and to fully enjoy the heaven of Pantanal.

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Dark Lady